Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Come Visit My Page at Goodreads

Hi all,
See my books and
many others at

I have just set up my author page at Goodreads and invite all of you to come visit, join and become my friend there.  If you love books, and are always looking for something new to read, then you will enjoy being a member of Goodreads.

What is Goodreads?

Goodreads is a site where you can find a good book, read reviews on books, share books reviews with friends and make friends with other book lovers.  It is also a great site for "indie" writers, (writers who self-publish their novels) to share their books with others.  If you are an author or a book lover, you should belong to Goodreads.

My History with Goodreads

Goodreads has been around for quite a while - I joined in 2008 to promote my books and then forgot all about it.  Recently, when my two books were finally made into eBook format, I was looking for places to promote my books and found my profile on Goodreads.  Now, I advertise there and have a free author profile there - visit my profile here.  It is an excellent community for writers and readers alike and you don't have to be an author to join - you just have to be someone who loves books.  It's free, it's fun, so why not?

Here is the link to my profile on Goodreads -

Stop by and visit - hope you enjoy the site.

Other Great Sites

While I am at it, here are three great sites to visit that may interest you.  Not only do I like these sites, but I am also advertising on them - so yes, I am really into self-promotion today!  Check them out:

The Compulsive Reader - Book Review Site

Woman Tribune - Woman's site full of great articles



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